The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Twain, Mark, 2012
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AK-Bibliothek Bludenz
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Medienart Hörbuch
ISBN 978-1-4458-4378-0
Verfasser Twain, Mark Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen White, Trevor [Sprecher] Wikipedia
Systematik TD3 - Fremdsprachige Hörbücher für Kinder/Jugend
Schlagworte Abenteuer, Klassiker, Fremdsprachen, Englisches Hörbuch, Kinderhörbuch, CD-Hörbuch, Medienpaket
Verlag Audio Go
Ort o. O.
Jahr 2012
Umfang ca. 70 Min.
Altersbeschränkung 10
Auflage Abridged
Verfasserangabe Mark Twain. Trevor White
Sprache Deutsch
Annotation Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” is read in nearly every school in America; it is a true classic that people have appreciated for over a hundred years. The fact that it is a classic doesn’t mean every reader will breeze through it with no problem at all. If you need just a little more help with Twain’s classic, then let BookCaps help with this simplified study guide! This annotated edition contains a comprehension study of Twain’s classic work (including chapter summaries for every chapter, overview of themes and characters, and a biography of Twain’s life). This edition also includes the complete novel. We all need refreshers every now and then. Whether you are a student trying to cram for that big final, or someone just trying to understand a book more, BookCaps can help. We are a small, but growing company, and are adding titles every month.