Astronomy for Beginners

Astronomy for Beginners,
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Medienart eJournal
Schlagworte Science
Verlag Future Publishing Ltd
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation Astronomy for Beginners brings you everything you need to know to view the wonders of the night sky. From the basics such as setting up a telescope, reading star charts and using binoculars, through to keeping logbooks and joining a club, this new edition will help you learn all the essential techniques and practices. Whether you want to identify constellations or photograph craters on the moon, these guides are the place to start. Featuring: Astronomy essentials - Choose the right equipment and set up your telescope. Getting started - Practical advice to help astronomy novices get going with astronomy. Seasonal guides - Use sky charts and learn what incredible sights you can view all year round. Astrophotography - Capture memorable nighttime sightings in amazing photos.