George Harrison (An 80th Birthday Tribute)

George Harrison (An 80th Birthday Tribute),
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Medienart eJournal
Schlagworte Movies, TV & Music, Celebrity & Gossip
Verlag A360 Media, LLC
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation Contrary to pop-culture lore, George Harrison was never really the "quiet Beatle." A man of many interests, he could talk about his passions with endless enthusiasm. Sure, he was humble, private, and less inclined to “put on a show” than his bandmates. He was also the youngest member of the band, which often meant he was treated like a kid. But if easy labels are to be revisited almost 60 years after rock’s British Invasion, it might go something like this: George Harrison was the honest Beatle. This is his story.