Stretched Too Thin

Drake, Raelyn, 2018
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Medienart Audiobooks
ISBN 9781541540170
Verfasser Drake, Raelyn Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Book Buddy Digital Media Narrator Wikipedia
Schlagworte Young Adult Fiction, Young Adult Literature, Comic and Graphic Books
Verlag Lerner Publishing Group
Jahr 2018
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation Evan has always dreamed of being a superhero, and on his sixteenth birthday he discovers the ability to stretch and bend his body in impossible ways. He decides that's it's time to make the most of his super stretchiness and become a real-life superhero—except he can't find any actual crime to fight.When a video of his superpower goes viral, Evan gets a taste of the fame he has ever hoped for, but he knows he hasn't really done anything besides a few cool tricks. After an accident on the freeway causes everyone to look to him for help, Evan will learn if he's truly up to be the hero he wants to be.