The Big Book of Why?

The Big Book of Why?,
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Medienart eJournal
Schlagworte Science
Verlag Immediate Media Company London Limited
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation If you are thirsty for answers about the world around us, then you need this brand-new special edition – The Big Book Of Why? Aimed at curious readers aged anywhere between 9 and 90, The Big Book Of Why? solves a wide range of scientific questions and conundrums about how life works. With answers provided by the crack team of experts behind BBC Focus Magazine, every page offers enlightenment and revelation. Why do we have wisdom teeth? Why do tigers have stripes? And why is it safer to sit backwards on a plane?Also, a special How It Works section reveals the cutting-edge thinking and engineering behind the latest technology – from Formula E racing cars to robot exoskeletons