Walking with Frodo : A Devotional Journey through The Lord of the Rings

Arthur, Sarah, 2003
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Medienart eBook
ISBN 9781414331423
Verfasser Arthur, Sarah Wikipedia
Schlagworte Religion & Spirituality, Young Adult Nonfiction, Entertainment
Verlag Tyndale House Publishers
Jahr 2003
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation Tolkien's Lord of the Rings epic tale has long captivated readers with its parallels to biblical truth. And now, Walking with Frodo looks at the biblical themes found in the classic Lord of the Rings trilogy. The 18 devotions pair vices and virtues (deception vs. honesty, light vs. darkness, good vs. evil) displayed by characters in The Lord of the Rings and bring to light what the Bible has to say. A must-have for longtime and new series fans.