American Conspiracies and Cover-ups : JFK, 9/11, the Fed, Rigged Elections, Suppressed Cancer Cures, and the Greatest Conspiracies of Our Time

Cirignano, Douglas, 2019
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Medienart eBook
ISBN 9781510742987
Verfasser Cirignano, Douglas Wikipedia
Schlagworte Nonfiction, Sociology, Literary Criticism, Military
Verlag Skyhorse Publishing
Jahr 2019
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation This definitive guide to American conspiracy theories presents interviews with some of the brightest minds in the alternative history world. From foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor and 9/11 attacks to suppressed cancer cures and the truth about our voting machines, this book covers the wide range of conspiracies in America. Author Douglas Cirignano brings together leading experts in the field to examine the unanswered questions, review the evidence, and prove that mainstream histories don't tell the real story.Interviews include:Jim Marrs on the New World OrderNoam Chomsky on mainstream mediaLBJ lawyer Barr McClellan on the JFK assassinationVeteran and author Robert B. Stinnet on Pearl HarborG. Edward Griffin on the Federal Reserve BankDr. William F. Pepper on MLK's assassinationProfessor David Ray Griffin on 9/11and more!"Those intrepid souls seeking to peer deeper into America's greatest conspiracies should start with Douglas Cirignano's voluminous book. Don't miss this tour de force." —Jim Marrs, New York Times bestselling author