Powder Magazine (Vol. 50, Issue 1)

Powder Magazine (Vol. 50, Issue 1),
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Medienart eJournal
Schlagworte Sports
Verlag A360 Media, LLC
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation "On the heels of a wild winter that was highlighted by record breaking snow across the North American West, POWDER-The Skier’s Magazine is back. From engaging stories of “apocalyptic” storm skiing to the return of the stunning Photo Annual, POWDER is back to doing what it does best- giving readers more reasons to go skiing than they could find anywhere else other than the slope itself. It’s a magazine that every passionate skier can leave conspicuously sitting on their coffee tables in order to say — “Yes, I read POWDER. And I’m very proud of that fact.” Welcome back, skiers. POWDER To The People. POWDER To You."