In Business with Mallory : Mallory Series, Book 5

Friedman, Laurie, 2017
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Medienart Audiobooks
ISBN 9781512441987
Verfasser Friedman, Laurie Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Book Buddy Digital Media Narrator Wikipedia
Schlagworte Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Literature
Verlag Lerner Publishing Group
Jahr 2017
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation Mallory McDonald has her eye on the perfect purse, but it's too expensive and Mallory's mom is not buying! So Mallory comes up with the perfect plan to get the perfect purse. She'll just start a business! Yet starting a business isn't as easy as it seems. Mallory finally earns enough to buy what she wants. But if her business is such as success, why does Mallory feel like such a failure?