A Clash of Kings, Part 1 : A Song of Ice and Fire Series, Book 2

Martin, George R. R., 2011
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Medienart Audiobooks
ISBN 9780857355973
Verfasser Martin, George R. R. Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Dotrice, Roy Narrator Wikipedia
Schlagworte Fiction, Fantasy
Verlag Oakhill Publishing Limited
Jahr 2011
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation The Iron Throne once united the Sunset Lands, but King Robert is dead and his surviving brothers are set on a path of war amongst themselves. At King's Landing, the head of Lord Eddard Stark rots on a spike. In Dragonstone, Robert's brother Stannis has declared himself king, while his other brother Renly proclaims himself king at Storm's End—and Eddard Stark's 15-year-old-son Robb wears the crown of the north at Winterfell. A comet in the night sky, red and malevolent, the colour of blood and flame, can only be an omen of murder and war. And a white raven has brought word from the Citadel itself, foretelling summer's end. But winter will be the biggest enemy. From beyond the Wall the undead and Others clamour for freedom, and from beyond the sea the Dragon King's daughter hatches her revenge. Robb Stark will be exceedingly lucky to reach adulthood.