Backwoods Survival Guide (Issue 28)

Backwoods Survival Guide (Issue 28),
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Medienart eJournal
Schlagworte Travel & Outdoor
Verlag A360 Media, LLC
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation This is our 28th issue of Backwoods Survival Guide. Our writers are some of the very best in the field and we're thrilled that they've chosen BSG as a home for their content. Here's just a peek at some of what you'll find in this issue. Kevin Estela has a great story on how to maintain your gear when you're away from home. Reuben Bolieu is reviewing several products from one of our favorite companies, Tuff Possum Gear. K.H. Koehler shares some excellent tips on where you can save money when you're homesteading. Dana Benner explains how he does a full clean-out of his freezers each year and shares a few of his favorite recipes. Our Gear Guide this time around is on fire starters, and we're also covering the venerable walking stick and all of its myriad uses. As always, there's no fluff, just practical, actionable information you can put to use.