Learn Afrikaans: 400 Actions + Activities : Everyday Afrikaans for Beginners (Deluxe Edition)

Learn Afrikaans: 400 Actions + Activities, 2018
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Medienart Audiobooks
ISBN 9781641671002
Beteiligte Personen Innovative Language Learning, LLC Copyright holder Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen AfrikaansPod101.com Narrator Wikipedia
Schlagworte Foreign Language Study, Nonfiction
Verlag Innovative Language Learning, LLC
Jahr 2018
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache Afrikaans, englisch
Annotation Important: With this Audiobook, You're entitled to a bonus Audiobook: The Introductory Afrikaans Basic Bootcamp (5 Lessons)You want to learn Afrikaans and actually speak the language, right? Then, let's start talking about your everyday life. You can talk about in English. Now, you'll do it in Afrikaans. This Audiobook is perfect for upper beginner learners who know some Afrikaans already. With it, you get the key to speaking practical Afrikaans: 400+ practical phrases across 10 chapters. You'll be able to talk about your day—from morning to night. How does it work? Every chapter covers a daily scenario like "morning activities, "going to work," "at night." And in each one, you learn a TON of phrases. For example, for mornings: I wake up, I shower, I have breakfast, I leave the house, and much much more. Imagine being fluent enough to talk about your day in Afrikaans! What you get:102 minutes of lessons in total80 page Companion PDF eBookBONUS Gift Inside! Afrikaans Basic Bootcamp AudiobookResults you can expect:Talk about your daily life in AfrikaansBoost your Afrikaans vocabulary Improve your Afrikaans speaking and listening skills