How it Works Book of Junior Science

How it Works Book of Junior Science,
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Medienart eJournal
Schlagworte Science
Verlag Future Publishing Ltd
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation This fifth edition of the How It Works Book of Junior Science has been written to feed young minds with the most inspiring and amazing things about the world we live in. Jam-packed full of facts, trivia and easy-to-follow diagrams, this is a comprehensive guide to our planet, the animals we share it with, our own bodies and the way science affects our day-to-day lives. Featuring: Science in action - Make your own experiments at home and discover how science is used in the world around us. The human body - Learn how your head, shoulders, knees and toes work, and much more! Planet Earth - Explore rainforests and learn all about the weather in caves. Amazing animals - Find out why birds have beaks and how far animals migrate.