Beyond the Odyssey

Evans, Maz, 2018
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Medienart Audiobooks
ISBN 9781528812375
Verfasser Evans, Maz Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Evans, Maz Narrator Wikipedia
Schlagworte Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Literature
Verlag Nudged Children's Audiobooks
Jahr 2018
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation Elliot's life is spiralling out of control. He's been suspended from school, his ex-convict dad is useless around the house and his mum's health is worsening. What's more, the gods are determined to forge on with the quest for the third chaos stone. An unlikely, hilarious and heart-warming odyssey begins. But Elliot has heard of a mythical potion rumoured to cure all ills - can he save his mum, even if it means sacrificing the fate of the world?