Simply the Quest

Evans, Maz, 2017
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Medienart Audiobooks
ISBN 9781510075221
Verfasser Evans, Maz Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen Evans, Maz Narrator Wikipedia
Schlagworte Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Literature
Verlag Nudged Children's Audiobooks
Jahr 2017
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation Elliot Hooper's troubles are far from over: his mum's health worsens, he's struggling at school, and a bunch of anarchic Greek immortals have moved into his home - including teen goddess Virgo, who's in trouble with the Zodiac. What's more, death-daemon Thanatos and his scary mum are at large. As even more immortal allies and enemies emerge, Virgo and Elliot must learn how to be heroes ...