Heaven Official's Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu (Novel), Volume 3

Xiu, Mo Xiang Tong, 2022
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Medienart eBook
ISBN 9781685791070
Verfasser Xiu, Mo Xiang Tong Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen ZeldaCW Artist Wikipedia
Beteiligte Personen tai3_3 Artist Wikipedia
Schlagworte Fiction, Romance, Fantasy
Verlag Seven Seas Entertainment
Jahr 2022
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation Gods should never meddle in the affairs of mortals, but Xie Lian is not one to follow the rules when lives are at risk. He spits in the face of heaven and its laws and descends in a fury to save his country from drought and civil war. Yet this golden child gets a harsh dose of reality when he discovers just how little one individual—even a god—can do to save a crumbling nation. As the people reject and betray him, one young soldier stands by Xie Lian—a boy with a face wrapped in bandages and a fierce loyalty in his heart. In this chaotic past, can an unshakable bond grow from the ashes of unimaginable destruction?