This Is The Behavioral Scientist

This Is The Behavioral Scientist,
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Medienart eJournal
Schlagworte Science
Verlag Behavioral Scientist
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation This Is the Behavioral Scientist features 15 of our favorite articles and interviews, and our most popular cartoons from our start as a publication (80+ pages). Authors include leading behavioral scientists—best-selling authors, industry and government experts, and interdisciplinary scholars at the forefront of the field. It is full of Insights and ideas about human behavior that stand the test of time. Great for all knowledge levels. Authors include: Adam Grant, Dan Pink, Rory Sutherland, Chiara Varazzani, Shahzeen Attari, and more. Topics include: designing for well-being in cities and at work, the battle between human and algorithm, moving beyond the invisible hand in Econ 101, the behavioral scientist’s ethics checklist, why timing is everything and everything is timing, plus more.