Backwoods Survival Guide (Issue 27)

Backwoods Survival Guide (Issue 27),
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Medienart eJournal
Schlagworte Travel & Outdoor
Verlag A360 Media, LLC
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation Welcome to the 27th issue of Backwoods! Summer is upon us, so we have several stories with that in mind. Learn how to stay cool when you’re out and about and how to find water if you’re traveling through the desert. Heat can be a problem for our animals, so we’ve shared several tips on how to help them. We also have a buyer’s guide for clothing that’s well suited for hot weather. In addition, you can learn about finding and using medicinal plants, cooking dinner over an open flame, assembling nifty meal packs that you can use on the trail or in an evacuation situation, how to use granola and oatmeal, and what to consider if you’re planning to add solar power to the mix.