The Story of the Lock Ness Monster: Facts and Fiction

The Story of the Lock Ness Monster: Facts and Fiction,
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Medienart eJournal
Schlagworte Culture & Literature
Verlag A360 Media, LLC
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation In one specific area of Scotland—a place many might not know or think about were it not for “Nessie”—a 1,500-year monster hunt continues. Since the earliest centuries, human curiosity has fixated on the secrets concealed in the freshwater loch carved into the Scottish Highlands. Anecdotal evidence of something unusual in those depths abounds, while credible journals and literature give life to scientific and speculative theories. And even though nearly every encounter has been debunked, the belief that there’s something unexplainable in the water remains. Every day, believers continue to visit the loch with long lenses and open minds. Perhaps that is because deep down we want to believe that a living prehistoric still roams the earth. Or that some fantasies are real.